Major new federal investments in infrastructure could help us build a more just & sustainable New Orleans.

We’re helping leaders understand, navigate & influence the crucial decisions ahead.

In 2021, the U.S. Congress chartered transformative investments for local communities across the country. The Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act address the urgent need to repair the nation’s crumbling infrastructure and prepare for the intensifying impacts of climate change. The 350+ programs under IIJA provide a massive boost of funding opportunities to build the city we wish to live in for years to come.

Grant Opportunities

CBNO is proud to work with dozens of partners throughout the region to help people understand, navigate, and influence the decisions that impact us all. We publish monthly updates from our partners at Greater New Orleans Inc. that include recent wins and upcoming opportunities for the region



Working with City Hall to build capacity & winning proposals

New Orleans has no shortage of visionary plans and expertise. We’re fostering collaboration to find synergy across infrastructure categories and programs. We’re also pushing for all proposals to center equity for the benefit of the people today & for our future.