Get Involved! August 2022
Want to make your community better? Get involved! Here’s a handful of opportunities coming up this month:
Knock Doors in Treme 8/6
Join CBNO for our first monthly neighborhood canvass in Treme. RSVP here.
Register Voters in the L9 ward
First Saturday of every Month til November.
Metropolitan Transportation Plan by 8/9
The Regional Planning Commission coordinates transportation plans for the whole GNO area. They’re required to make a plan every 30 years, and their plan for 2022-2052 is out now. Take a look and comment by 8/9.
Budget Town Halls - 8/9 to 8/18
One of two chances to weigh in on the City’s 2023 budget before it’s approved in December. Learn more here.
What’s In Your Water? 8/24
This summer, the Water Collaborative of Greater New Orleans conducted a study on water contamination in the River Parishes, or as we all know it -- Cancer Alley. In August, they’ll have meetings in each of the River Parishes to discuss what they found and how it may be impacting your water, your health, your community, and your environment. The Orleans Community Meeting is August 24, 5:30 - 7 pm