Our programs bring people together to understand, discuss, and solve New Orleans’ challenges.
Leadership Forum
Our signature annual program, the Bryan Bell Metropolitan Leadership Forum brings together 50 emerging leaders each year for a deep-dive into the most pressing challenges our City faces; and equips them to get involved.
Building Our Future
Our campaign to bring as much federal funding as possible home to New Orleans, and make sure it is distributed equitably.
Changemakers Series
Our monthly event series trains the average New Orleanian to get civically involved. Topics include how to navigate City Council, fundraising and community organizing basics, and more. Get to know CBNO, and a network of people working to make the City better at these free events.
Want to learn on your own? Check out our online resources.
Better Bus Stops
Our 2024 project in collaboration with the Regional Transportation Authority - a push to overhaul the City’s bus stops.
People’s Budget Project
The City’s money is YOUR money. We help residents understand and influence the City Budget process, gather left-out communities’ priorities for our tax dollars, and advocate for more public money to support community needs.
Better New Orleans Block Party
Our annual celebration of the people and organizations making the City a better place.
Previous Projects
Civic Arts Challenge
As part of our inaugural Better New Orleans Block Party, we launched the 2024 Civic Arts Challenge: a grant opportunity for local artist teams to create an interactive piece around what you want our City to look like. Art brings people together! Thanks to the Rex Foundation for making this program possible.