
Help us build a better New Orleans!

Share your talents with us on one of our committees, volunteer-powered working groups that meet at least once a month and drive our work forward. Email info@cbno.org to learn more and join.


Advocacy Committee

Plans and executes our advocacy initiatives, and steers our participation in coalitions. Are you a policy nerd, advocate or organizer looking for a cause? This is the committee for you.


Events Subcommittee

Plans CBNO’s annual fundraising event(s). If you love to plan parties, from block parties to galas, this is your committee.

Forum Planning Committee

The driving force behind our annual Leadership Forum. Want to help bring leaders together to learn about and solve New Orleans problems? Join the Forum committee.


Finance Committee

Keeps an eye on our financial statements monthly and helps us plan for a more sustainable future. Accountants, Auditors, Financial Officers and other number crunchers are welcome to join!

Fundraising Committee

Ensures we’re set up for success by planning our fundraising appeals and events! Anyone can join this committee. 


Communications Committee

Builds CBNO’s communications strategy, and leads our social media and email campaigns. Active social media users, and people with experience in video editing, graphic design, and PR/Marketing, and writing -- this is the committee for you.